本书记录了卡斯塔尼达在《巫士唐望的教诲》出版之后重返墨西哥,继续存唐望的指导下学习印第安巫术的经历。在本书中,卡斯塔尼达极戏剧性地在凋零的美洲印地安文化中揭露出 ...
為甚麼有些人總是鴻運當頭,事事順風順水?為甚麼有些人總是吉星拱照,在危機前總能全身而退? 可有想過他們如此好運,是因為有 「玄學大師」在旁指點迷津? ...
本书强调的是手相术作为开发自我潜能的工具的惊人力量。手相大师约翰尼·芬彻姆将其20年手相教学的结果,进行不懈地锤炼,它能让你捕捉到人们深层次的心理怪相和心理困境, ...
Nostradamus predicted many of today's events - the Middle East crisis, the rise and fall of the Soviet Union, as well as some more to come including a catastrophe in...
Wicca Spell Book: The Ultimate Wiccan Book on Magic and Witches! This book is a comprehensive guide to witchcraft, Wicca and magic. It is just as useful for a beginner...
Anyone can learn to use a pendulum. This powerful tool brings together the left and right sides of the brain and acts as an antenna, helping you tune into your...
Hopes of this kind fastened on John, the “beloved disciple,” concerning whom Jesus made a mysterious re- mark about his “remaining until I come” (John 21:20–23). John died, or ostensibly died, but a belief lingered for centuries that he ...