諾貝爾生理醫學獎得主伊莉莎白.布雷克本,長期鑽研端粒現象與效應,她發現:正是端粒的長短,控制了細胞和人體的壽命;而且端粒不只是會執行遺傳指令,還會聽從你的指示,也就是說,你的生活方式等同於對你的端粒下令,讓你細胞老化得更快或更慢一點。 布雷克本與心理學家伊麗莎.艾波密切合作,走入人群,積極驗證心理因素和生活環境如何影響端粒的長短、以及人體的健康與老化。 這本震撼世界的《端粒效應》,就是兩人近年的研究成果,將呈獻給讀者,真正有效的逆齡養生之道。
如何妥善規畫,活出「第二人生」,已成為現今社會重要議題。 你以為,退休後無所事事,生命就此枯萎,只能淪為退休難民嗎? ...
「年老如果是一種創作,我們都正在提筆書寫。」我確實是這樣相信,而且也確實是這樣實踐。以創作的心情迎接七十歲的到來,反而充滿了期待。而在期待之際,正好顯示自己還是擁有夢想。——陳芳明(政治大學講座教授)史上最長80年哈佛研究,追蹤個案超過800人首度揭開創造幸福、快樂到老的人生密碼老年就像照顧秋日花園,完成收穫,並細心做好讓花園過冬的準備。老年的意義是去愛、去工作、學習昨日不知道的知識,並與所愛之人共享寶貴時光。哈佛大學〈成人發展研究〉自1938年啟動,迄今持續進行,是史上最長的社科研究計畫。這項研究有如探索老年的豐富礦脈,讓後人循跡前行,並指引我們:「老的意義為何?」「如何幸福到老?」不必含著金湯匙,也能幸福一輩子◎ 哈佛研究小啟示.曾經遭遇不幸,不代表一輩子都會不幸福。.不把自己當病人,生病也可以享受生活。.50歲的婚姻和人際關係,可以預測80歲的生活滿意度。.退休後交新朋友、學新東西的快樂勝過退休金。.50歲開始還來得及!只要培養良好生活習慣,便能老得健康有活力。.「老得好」的重點是原諒、感恩與喜悅。
Few changes in life are as difficult to handle as the aging of our parents. Your Aging Parents can help. Gently and straightforwardly, this book explains the physical and emotional...
Available for sale from AAA, d 212/757-2000 Great American Vacations for Travelers with Disabilities. Available for sale from Fodor's, d 800/533-6478 Guide to Accessible Travel: Resources for Travelers with Disabilities (publication D ...
For undergraduate-level courses in Psychology of Adulthood and Aging, Sociology of Adulthood and Aging, Gerontology, Social Gerontology, and Life Span Development, Education. This best-selling book discusses the aspects of successful...
This book takes a comprehensive approach to all aspects of mental health, holistically examining the cognitive, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions of mental health.By examining mental health from a variety...
Barbara Johnson reveals her hilarious anti-aging remedy."They say the best way to grow old is not to be in a hurry about it?and Lord knows, I've put it off for...
تظهر فائدة التفكير الجانبي واضحة عندما يعجز التفكير المنطقي عن ايجاد حلول للمشاكل , فرعم ان التفكير المنطقي يملك كفاءة عالية في تطوير الافكار لكنه ضعيف جدا في خلق...
In preparation for retirement, we are often urged to build up our financial portfolio or perhaps downsize our home or move closer to family. Often neglected in this process, however,...
America is greying. One in three people will be fifty or older by the end of this decade. Although Baby Boomers have made great strides in changing some of the...