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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Meaningful learning with technology / by David Jonassen ... [ et al . ] . ... 30 ; David Buffington / Getty Images , Inc. - Photodisc , p . ... 99 ; Pearson Learning Photo Studio , p .
Another mechanism used to explain choice behavior , melioration , was proposed in 1980 by Herrnstein and Vaughan ( see also Vaughan , 1981 , 1985 ) . Melioration refers to bettering a situation . Herrnstein and Vaughan suggested that ...
◆當代最重要的英國思想家 & 頂尖文化評論家 泰瑞‧伊格頓, 帶著你找到文本分析的樂趣,開啟慢讀新風潮! 閱讀文學的重點,不只在於作品「說了什麼」,也包括它「如何說」。 ...
當然,崔介悅、趙慕鶴兩位老先生的身體狀況堪稱特例,而上述年輕同學所持之老人刻板印象亦非意外,乃因一般人習從自己(年輕)角度觀察他人進而產生「年齡歧視」( theageism ) , *認爲多數老人動作緩慢、每天無所事事、講話重複、言語不清,與自己熟悉的周遭 ...
The signs are everywhere--for those who can read them. Because of television, advertising, and the Internet, the primary literacy of the 21st century will be visual. It's no longer enough...
This popular text gives students a comprehensive and readable introduction to contemporary issues in learning and behaviour, while providing balanced coverage of classical and instrumental conditioning.
This active learning edition includes a new, built-in workbook that provides examples and exercises to help students practice and remember what they read in the text. In addition, students read...
Motivating students to achieve is a challenging and often frustrating task for today's teachers. This book provides readers with the underlying theories behind motivating their students by integrating theory, research,...
"I applaud the vision the authors had in synthesizing this information in a way that makes the reader more confident in their application of these theories and principles to their...