.諾貝爾獎得主、動物行為學之父勞倫茲最膾炙人口的科普著作 .紐約公共圖書館「Books of the Century」自然科學類十大好書 .誠品書店《一生的讀書計畫》推薦 照我看來,所羅門王需要用到魔戒才能和動物交談,未免太遜了。 活潑潑的生命完全無須藉助魔法, 便能對我們述說至美至真的故事。 ——勞倫茲,本書作者 傳說中,所羅門王有一只魔法戒指,戴上它就可以跟動物對話, 不過動物行為學大師勞倫茲卻說,他不靠魔戒也有辦法聽懂動物所說的話。 渡鴉擔心飼主的安危,用獨有的叫聲呼喚; 愛上人類的穴烏,殷勤的把小蟲塞進人嘴; 雁鵝號召同伴一齊飛行的「鏗鏘鏗」叫聲; 狗兒睜著雙眼愕愕的望著,祈求主人帶牠出門, 或是不勞主人吩咐,便咬了可厭的人的屁股…… 勞倫茲透過本書告訴我們,只要讓動物以最自然的方式生活, 再用愛心和耐心與牠們相處,就能看出、聽出動物的語言。
Based on limited studies with mule deer ( Pearson 1969 ) , buffalo ( Pearson 1967 ) , elk ( McBee et al . 1969 ) , reindeer ( Dehority 1975 , Orpin et al . 1985 ) , and camel ( Hungate et al . 1959 ) , wild ruminants appear to harbor ...
First in a two-volume set describing and illustrating over 2400 species of Australian marine prosobranch gastropods including information on geographic distribution, habitat and synonymies. Provides an introduction dealing with collecting...
W. P. Gibbons , Philadelphia , 88 p . , 19 pls . , app . 1-8 . Morton , S. G. , 1841. “ Description of several new species of fossil shells from the Cretaceous deposits of the United States . ” Proceedings of the Academy of Natural ...
Including a Facsimile Reprint of The Neural Crest by Sven Hörstadius Nancy Coffelt, Brian Keith Hall, Sven Hörstadius, Hall, James. developing somites and the trunk epithelium and as a more deeply migrating population , medial to the ...
The Canadian Wildlife Service LRTAP Biomonitoring Program: A strategy to monitor the biological recovery of aquatic ecosystems in eastern Canada...
180+ fine color photos, 40 text-figures (detailed line drawings), some distribution maps. Publisher's color pictorial stiff wrappers, oblong sm 4to. There is a long and warm inscription, signed by both...
West African Brachyuran Crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda)
Surprising though it seems, the world faces almost as great a threat today from arthropod-borne diseases as it did in the heady days of the 1950s when global eradication of...
The Atlas of Italian Amphibians and Reptiles presents the distribution, ecology and conservation status of the 37 species of amphibians and the 50 species of reptiles found in Italy. A...
Expanding on the National Research Council’s Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, this book deals specifically with mammals in neuroscience and behavioral research laboratories. It offers flexible...