Featuring contributions by Bram Stoker Award-winning authors, this terrifying collection of eighteen original supernatural stories explores the nature of the beast, taking readers face-to-face with vampires, hauntings, sacrifices, and ...
In that special half hour of twilight -- the dark-thirty -- you'll feel the spine-tingling horror of these tales: -- When a retired Pullman porter hears a ghostly whistle, he knows it's the last train he'll ever ride.
A collection of short stories involving the daring of spies and counterspies.
Contributing to this anthology of eleven delightfully chilling horror tales and ghost stories are such spine-tinglers as Ray Bradbury, H. P. Lovecraft, Cynthia Asquith, and Algernon Blackwood
Bumps in the night don't have to be scary! No one likes being woken up by a bump in the night. What if it's a ghoulie, a ghosty or a...
When he was alive, Mr. Wilkerson was an ill-tempered, disagreeable, sour, and impatient old man. Once he died, he got better. But not much. Now he is back...
你一直深信不疑的事實,可能通通都唔係真…… 神秘揭開衣食住行、節日習俗、風水命理、文化建築到個人生理心理健康的迷信傳聞 你一直深信不疑的事實,是否真實? 日常生活充滿了很多似是而非的資訊,有些傳聞根本沒有事實根據,只是因為代代相傳,大家不敢對抗魔咒,就寧可信其有。 迷信(Superstition)是對某一些事物迷惘而不知其究竟,但又盲目地相信其說。 ² 有傳打呵欠是魔鬼引起的,嘴巴張大時,邪靈會進入身體,掩住嘴巴才可阻擋邪魔? ² 連打三個噴嚏代表有人講自己壞話? ² 左眼皮跳是財,右眼皮跳是災? ² 暗瘡和痣的生長位置可斷吉凶? ² 夢境可預知未來?喊驚可召魂魄返肉身? ² 打小人可以為自己轉個好運? ² 新屋入伙前一定要拜四角?擺不同風水陣可保生意興隆升職加薪催旺桃花? ² 帛金尾數一定要1作結,否則喪事長長久久? ² 太歲當頭坐,無喜恐有禍? ² ...
Life has suddenly become very difficult for Selwyn Roweson: First Anora broke his heart and decided to marry Farold, then Farold beat him up in front of the entire village,...
On an unseasonably warm Easter Sunday, a young girl namedIvy discovers a chilling secret in the basement of the Rumbaughpharmacy across the street from the hotel where she lives withher...
What Josh thought would be the dullest summer of his life, spent with his eccentric great-aunt, turns chilling when he meets the ghost of a coal miner killed in a...