輸血醫學促成了現代醫學的發展,成功的醫療維繫在安全的輸血,而安全的輸血有賴於建全的醫院血庫作業、正確的醫療用血,以及健全的捐血系統。 本書集合了許多優秀的輸血工作人員及專家學者撰寫而成,內容涵蓋重要的輸血議題:各種血型及相關的抗體、本土血型的基因研究、實質醫院的血庫檢驗作業、包含小兒的輸血、輸血反應、血小板的輸血、捐血機構的作業、血庫的品質管理、親子鑑定、HLA以及臺灣族群基因的研究。 本書適用於大專院校生物相關科系、醫學系及醫技系的教學、醫院血庫工作人員的參考書,及醫院醫師輸血時的參考。 本書特點: 1. 集合所有和輸血相關的資訊,既實際,也有理論。 2. 大部分為臺灣本土資料。 3. 附錄有豐富的台灣本土資料,包含: ?馬偕紀念醫院的臺灣各族群之血型、HLA、STR、mtDNA、Y-SNP頻率。 ?臺灣血液基金會捐血人的各種血型頻率及血型抗體頻率。 ?慈濟骨髓幹細胞中心的捐髓者HLA基因頻率。
Todd has a great deal of difficulty understanding why this same behavior now gets him into trouble with the police . When questioned regarding what has ...
Cruikshank SH , McLauchlan L : A de novo case of vulvar synergistic necrotizing fasciitis ... Iverson T , Abeler V , Kolstad P : Squamous carcinoma in situ of the vulva ; a clinical and histopathologic study , Gynecol Oncol 11 : 224 ...
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MICHAEL S. GAZZANIGA David T. McLaughlin Distinguished Professor and Professor of Psychology , Dartmouth College , and Director , Center for Cognitive Neuroscience , Dartmouth College , Hanover , New Hampshire 03755 , USA JEFFREY J.
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This four-volume text features contributions from over 300 researchers and clinicians. Volumes 1, 2 and 3 explore the developmental stages and syndromes of infancy and preschool, grade school and adolescence.
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Prentice - Hall of Australia , Pty.Ltd . , Sydney Prentice - Hall Canada , Inc. Prentice - Hall Hispanoamericana , S.A. , Mexico Prentice - Hall or India Private Limited , New Delhi Prentice - Hall of Japan , Inc. , Tokyo Prentice ...
Czernobilsky B , Barash A , Lancet M. Partial moles : a 18. Hertig AT , Sheldon WH . Hydatidiform molepathologico - clinical correlation of 200 cases . Am J Obstet Gynecol 1947 ; 53 : 1–36 . 19. Jacobs PA , Hunt PA , Matsuura JS ...
... been appointed as the new President and CEO . CONTACTS : Note : Officers with more than one job title may be intentionally listed here more than once . Timothy C. Mickelson , CEO Timothy C. Mickelson , Pres . Harvey N. Gillis , Sr.