黑袍不上場, 紅袍白袍顯神威,無袍超吸睛! 學長,隊上這麼缺人嗎? P.S.連菜鳥也不放過,我要被秒殺了嗎? 在Atlantis學院裡, 所有知識都不是知識, 只有肯定了自己,世界才會肯定你...... 為啥放假回家,不但要接案工作,還得跟一大群怪胎唱KTV!? 在原世界,學長與漾漾各自接下了任務, 古老神祇的委託、卷之獸的歸屬、工地靈異事件, 狂暴颱風天裡,將如何分別畫下句點? 異能學院聯合大競技賽,進入最後決賽。 陰謀暗影蠢蠢欲動,因為該死的好奇心, 眾人透過千冬歲的能力探查異況,卻意外對上陌生參賽者的視線...... 面對賽事突發狀況,Atlantis學院展現神奇的韌性。 萊恩與神祕紅袍搭檔大秀默契百分百的戰鬥; 庚學姊祭出連學長都無法習得的驚人祕技! 為了學長,夏碎更提出了讓漾漾直呼「死到地獄三千次」的驚人建議—— 讓漾漾加入Atlantis學院第二代表隊! 特別收錄 番外.五色雞毛的直立祕密 番外.沉靜之火 本書特色 《特殊傳說》是人氣作家護玄的成名大作。 爆笑又緊湊的情節、青春嗨翻天的想像力與迷人設定, 在不可思議的誇張校園生活中,漸次鋪陳各個角色自我成長歷程。 新版以舊版二集合一的超值篇幅,加上全新繪製的內頁插畫及彩圖, 以及後續不定期收錄的全新番外篇, 讓人翻開故事,便一頭栽入屬於我們這一代人的特殊傳說! 特殊傳說 新版 超值篇幅=舊版二集合一 全新繪製=拉頁彩圖&內頁插畫
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Frost would kill the last of the blackberries and gooseberries that I'd found for us to subsist on. The acorns were long gone. I'd been lucky to find a crab ...
... Cinderellas turning to Vasilisas, Snow Queens into Father Frost, ... Two she'd heard from her own father, “The Mirror of Matsuyama” and “Kaguya-hime,” ...
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Table of Contents A good deal of water had run under Beulah Bridge since Letty ... and the third, Deacon Todd's eldest son, had somehow or other met a siren ...
Table of Contents A good deal of water had run under Beulah Bridge since Letty ... and the third, Deacon Todd's eldest son, had somehow or other met a siren ...
“Casey is fairly withdrawn now, so don't be discouraged if she won't talk.” Andi puts a hand on my shoulder. “I'm sure your presence here will be a comfort to her.” “I hope so.” What if Casey doesn't even want to see me? “Let's go.
Casey sets the dining room table and eats with us, telling stories about Luke that make us laugh and make Luke's face grow redder and redder. “If I'd known all my deepest secrets were going to be spilled tonight, I'd have suggested we ...
A classic science fiction novel from bestselling author Neal Shusterman is back in print.
Deftly entwining swashbuckling action and quiet magic, Maggie Tokuda-Hall's inventive debut novel conjures a diverse cast of characters seeking mastery over their fates while searching for answers to big questions about identity, power, and ...