Provides a comprehensive, clinically relevant resource on electrocardiography for those who care for patients in the emergency setting. The text provides succinct information on ECG abnormalities and their etiologic differential diagnoses; diagnostic criteria for the ECG manifestations of various clinical diseases/entities; and many 12-lead ECG examples for review.
"This book is appropriate for a broad audience, ranging from third-year medical students starting clinical rotations to experienced providers looking to expand their knowledge.
This is a unique format among textbooks with an ECG focus. The clinical scenarios cover the issues involved in detecting and managing major cardiovascular conditions.
These three books can be described as a cumulative EGG reference for the medical provider who uses the electrocardiogram on a regular basis.
For the fist time in 25 years, the Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America features an issue devoted entirely to the electrocardiogram (ECG) and its invaluable role to physicians on the front line.
With over 200 traces to test your knowledge, this book is a first class learning tool for emergency physicians.
This book exclusively addresses ECGs for prehospital emergencies, ranging from basic rhythm diagnosis to critical care applications of the electrocardiogram and advanced 12-lead ECG interpretation in the ACS patient.
Focuses on advanced ECG tracings, including abnormalities frequently missed by experienced clinicians and computer algorithms.
Portable, concise and evidence-based clinical information on critical care topics for medical students and residents.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Written by...
Improve your understanding of the ECG, its uses and its limitations, in this essential resource written by experts in emergency electrocardiography. Features of the ECG that are essential to identifying ACS, MI, conduction abnormalities.