Harvey , K. B. et al .: “ Nutritional Assessment and Patient Outcome During Oncological Therapy , ” Cancer , 43 : 2065–69 , 1979 . 30. Bertino , J. R .: “ Nutrients , Vitamins , and Minerals as Therapy , ” Nutr .
本书帮你认识和对付体重问题, 糖尿病以及血糖与疾病之间的关系, 帮你了解自身健康状况.
忌食油腻、海产品及高盐、高糖食品。油腻食品和海产品能助湿生热,导致痰多而黏稠,不易咳出。而高盐和高糖食品会刺激咽喉,引发咳嗽症状。食用这些食物会导致儿童支气管炎症状加重。另外,生冷食品也是不适宜的,同样会引发咳嗽症状。主要食物介绍杏仁 食物的 ...
Abstract: This book presents the outline for a basic nutrition course. Each of the thirty topics contains a description of the behavioral objectives of that section, a detailed lecture outline,...
FOOD AND CULTURE is the market-leading text for the cultural foods courses, providing information on the health, culture, food, and nutrition habits of the most common ethnic and racial groups...
The staggering growth in the numbers of people who believe in New Age spiritualities and paranormal phenomena - combined with the American appetite for diets, food fads and exotic cure-alls...
Abstract: This book provides guidance for the foodservice professional to prepare nutritionally sound foods while pleasing the most discriminating palates. The scientific principles of nutrition are explained in addition to...
Vitamins, minerals for a healthy life.
Распространенное заблуждение гласит: «Тот, кто хочет быть здоровым и стройным, должен отказаться от жирной пищи». На деле же все оказывается наоборот: тот, кто отказывается от жиров в пользу углеводов, становится...