1258 ) She was born Lucienne of Segui , a great - niece of Pope Innocent III and a cousin of Pope Gregory IX . When Prince Bohemond V of Antioch and Tripoli divorced Alice of Cyprus by reason of consanguinity and began looking for a ...
This is the story of how Stalin became Stalin.
This biography of Slobodan Milosevic, offers an account of a man who started wars, whose rhetoric whipped up Serb nationalism to a frenzy of ethnic cleansing and yet who retained for a decade the ability to wrap the international community ...
1st September 1939 John Malam. A Cherrytree Book OUR VISIT WEBSITE Evans First published 2002 by Cherrytree Press 327 High Street Slough Berkshire SLI ITX www.eva co.uk ks Contents The day the world went to war 6 Hitler's.
The reaction from a major American foreign policy spokesman , Democratic congressman Lee Hamilton , spoke volumes about the shift of axis in the post - Cold War world : " I'm not saying that it's George Bush's fault , and I'm not saying ...
The Lenin Story Mary Hamilton-Dann. V. was resigned , if not overjoyed ... On the morning of April 30th , Svyatoi Nikolai ( St. Nicholas ) headed into the current to fight its way south . St. Nicholas was patron saint of Russia .
本书从社会主义的角度来评述斯大林的一生, 内容包括: 童年和青少年时代, 流放和逃亡, 斯托雷平改革, 第二届杜马, 布尔什维克掌握武器, 废墟中的国家, ...
权力与命运/: 入主克里姆林宫者的个人命运