Ray reveals these quixotic spaces through constructed drawings, collaged photographs, and insightful text.
Culzean Castle on the Ayrshire coast is the most visited property of the National Trust for Scotland. This lavishly illustrated book tells the whole history of the castle.
[46]袁新华.中外建筑史.北京:北京大学出版社,2009. [47]金慧.中外建筑史.武汉:华中科技大学出版社,2013. [48]邹德侬,戴路,张向炜.中国现代建筑史.京:中国建筑工业出版社,2010. [49]朱丹,朱小平.中国建筑艺术简史.北京:清华大学出版社,2015. [50]梁思成.
This splendid book offers a fascinating look at the architect who combined the principles of Frank Lloyd Wright with breathtaking technical achievements. 350 illustrations.
19 老白渡码头煤仓改造一次介于未建成与建成之间的“临时建造”李颖春现代西方艺术史的奠基人之一李格尔(Alois Riegl,1858—1905)在他写于1903年的名篇《纪念物的现代崇拜》一文中,描述了纪念物(monument)中可能包含的三种价值:一是因年代久远而形成的“年代 ...
Here is what has become of the Odeons, Strands, and Arcadias that existed as velvet and marble outposts of Hollywood drama next to barbershops, hardware stores, and five-and-dimes.
iTung maaned 1767 over liligned Derøs Hoy Grevelige Ercellence iler ADAM GOTLOB MOLTKE Redter a Elephanten Grere hl Grey / kabet ... Map of the Danish Island of Saint Croix in the West Indies , by Jens Michelson Beck ( 1721–91 ) , 1754.
Buildings and projects: 1965 - 1990
Shows banqueting houses, music pavilions, conservatories, fishing lodges, towers, grottos, bridges, orangeries, bath houses, and mausoleums