Of God and Humans: Insights from Bible Stories

Of God and Humans: Insights from Bible Stories
Body, Mind & Spirit
The Supreme Master Ching Hai Publishing Co Ltd.
The Supreme Master Ching Hai


The Bible, one of the greatest works of the world, encompasses the story of creation, the history of the nation of Israel, the record of God’s relationship with the Israelites (also referred to as Hebrews or Jews), the laws and guidelines for worship given by God ( Jehovah) to his children, and in the New Testament, the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Biblical writings take many forms, including legends, proverbs, poems, genealogies and biographies. However, the contents of the Bible consistently center around one theme; namely, the unavoidable lessons humans must learn in life regarding their relationship with God. In Genesis, the first book of the Bible, we find one of the most compelling narratives ever told in this world: the story of the creation of the first two humans, Adam and Eve. Later, at the instigation of Satan, represented by the serpent, Adam and Eve willfully violate God’s rule, eat the forbidden fruit and are thus banished from Paradise. According to Supreme Master Ching Hai, this tragic story of Paradise lost symbolizes humankind’s turning away from God: “God’ is the creative energy behind everything in the universe. It is given different names in different religions; for example, God, Allah, the Supreme Master, Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi and the Buddha Power.” (see Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Lecture 7, The Ten Commandments, in this volume.) Following “Paradise Lost” are many other well-known Bible stories, such as those of Noah (Lecture 2), Lot (Lecture 4) and Moses (Lecture 6). These tales depict God’s children misused their free will and continuing to deviate from the cosmic design of universal love, peace and harmony, with the inevitable result being destruction. Whether in the form of a gigantic flood that engulfs the Earth, a fire that destroys an entire city or endless wars among nations, these disasters might be thought to represent God’s punishment, but in reality they are the direct outcomes of human’s own behavior. How can human beings avoid such natural and self-made calamities? The answer to this question comes from the shining examples of Biblical figures such as Abraham, Lot, Moses and Samuel’s mother Hannah. These individuals all humbly submitted themselves to God’s will to the extent of giving up their worldly possessions or even their most beloved sons (in the cases of Abraham and Hannah). As a result, they received blessings that were many times more valuable than what they sacrificed. While the Old Testament figures revered God as an external agent who doled out rewards and punishment to his children, Jesus changed this paradigm when He came, telling His followers, “The kingdom of God is within you” (Lecture 11, The Sermon on the Mount, in this volume). This statement reflects the link between Jesus’ teachings and those of Sakyamuni Buddha and many other great Saints of the East, Who taught the same truths. Now Supreme Master Ching Hai brings us an identical message: that God is none other than our own Supreme Wisdom and True Nature (Lecture 7, The Ten Commandments, in this volume). And if we place our trust in God or our own inner Supreme Master, focus on our wisdom center and follow God’s will, not only will we be blessed but the whole world and generations of our descendants will benefit as well. Far from being a stern father figure who punishes people with earthly suffering or reincarnation, God is in essence Universal Love and Compassion. And even when people assert their free will and separate themselves from Love, Love never gives up. Through the ages, God has sent great Masters to help bring Hiers children back to their Heavenly Home. These Saints are God incarnate and their power is divine. Only through Them can we break the karmic cycle, go beyond the Three Realms and arrive safely at our soul’s permanent Home. Jesus also promised that God would again send us a “Comforter,” but how can we recognize a person who is God incarnate as Jesus was? The Supreme Master Ching Hai answers this question as follows: “If there is anyone who teaches the same ideas or gives us the same comfort as Jesus did, we should know that He/She is a Comforter that God has sent to us” (Lecture 9, The Perfect Example of a Great Saint, in this volume). And Her life, words, deeds and the power and love She manifests all testify to the fact that She is indeed from God. If we sincerely wish to be liberated, we need only knock on the door and we will surely recognize Her. Through this Great Master, we earthlings will finally be able to regain our lost Paradise.

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