「耶穌所要看見的不只是個人的改變,更是國家的轉化!」 神正在呼召祂的百姓發動改革,攜手同心走進社會,投入轉化列國的奮興運動! ※今天地球上大約有二十億基督徒人口,但罪惡、貧窮和疾病為何仍舊在地上猖獗呢? ※我們每個人生命中擁有聖靈的能力,但我們的社會卻愈來愈敗壞,我們為何找不出解決問題的方法呢?
Bestselling author Cindy Jacobs calls individuals and the church to a new reformation that will transform communities and the nations.
(啟示錄十三章1、7 節)請問在這幾段經文中,你有看到敵基督的一個世界政府嗎?其實你應該找得到,因為主要就是這幾 ... 我很難接受有些基督徒用自己的想法來解釋聖經,特別是那種破壞大使命,顛覆主禱文的解釋方法。悽慘的世界很多基督徒都有一種「做不做都很 ...
This collection of essays from a distinguished scholar of medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation history examines one of the most fascinating and turbulent periods of human history from the perspective of the social history of ideas.
This is a controversial political work that is a follow-up to Norman Lowell's masterpiece: Imperium Europa.
It was written in 1999 by Alain de Benoist, GRECE's founder, and Charles Champetier on the occasion of GRECE's thirtieth anniversary.