什麼原因讓你無法真自由? 生命裡有哪些事物讓你不斷失望? 奮力掙扎,努力千百回,到頭來還是一樣,似乎就是擺脫不掉? 是否曾經納悶,為什麼一而再再而三犯同樣的錯誤?為什麼怎麼改都改不了?振作起來,這裡有一條出路!本書透過相關的經文、禱告,以及一些幫助你沈思默想或小組討論的問題,告訴你如何找到永恆的自由,活出真正的自由。 聖經清楚言明,有些問題的確純粹是人生的課題,但有些試煉卻是仇敵在你生命中的工作。那麼,該如何分辨仇敵的工作和人生的課題呢? 《奔向真自由》指出哪些是已對惡者打開大門的警告標誌,並告訴你如何戰勝仇敵,找到自由。羅伯特・莫里斯牧師的教導清楚明白、以聖經為根據,邀請你一同展開邁向真自由的旅程。莫里斯牧師坦率分享神如何幫助他從八病九痛、情慾、試探、不安全感中找到自由,而你將藉此對自己的掙扎有更深刻的認識。 2004年,羅伯特・莫里斯牧師在暢銷書《蒙福人生》裡,讓人對「給予的行動」改觀。如今,透過這本新書《奔向真自由》,同樣要讓人對「心靈的自由」改觀。
After just a year or so, my father saw several lots for sale in the small village of Timberlake, Ohio, just thirty minutes from Cleveland.
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... Gregory Pritchard, Robert Clarke and Donald Wester of philosophy; from the religion faculty, James Timberlake, Rowena Strickland, Dan Holcomb, ...
walked over the frost-brittled grass, my long skirt swishing it dryly. I'd come to weep below the willows, to let the sound of the stream carry my lament ...
Frost, Gavin, and Yvonne Frost. The Good Witch's Bible. 7th ed. ... Gordon, Lynn D., ed. Gender and Higher Education in the Progressive Era.
Kenneth S. Todd. Reasons. to. Obey. God. Let's discuss four reasons why we should obey God. The first two deal with how we personally deal with God.
God's word is clear about the importance of godly friendships. This edition shows men how valuable those friendships are to spiritual growth.
In 2011, Thom S. Rainer published some research project results in a volume ... projecting the top challenging issue they deal with in bicultural settings ...
" Based on Pearson's 48-hour Management Buckets Workshop Experience, Mastering the Management Buckets offers detailed implementation tools, including 99 practical takeaways that a leader could implement immediately, plus nine management ...
" Based on Pearson's 48-hour Management Buckets Workshop Experience, Mastering the Management Buckets offers detailed implementation tools, including 99 practical takeaways that a leader could implement immediately, plus nine management ...