Aesop's Fables is a series of fables derived from ancient Greece, and is also the oldest and most influential fable in the world. The so-called fable refers to the content that contains moral education or wisdom of the world, presented in concise and interesting stories. Some of these stories teach people to be upright and diligent; some warn people not to be proud and not to lie; some also show that doing things should be done within the limits of one's ability, and be kindness-oriented..., all kinds of morals are profound in the truth of life.
伊索被譽為“希臘寓言之父”,“西方寓言的開山鼻祖”。伊索寓言是世界上最古老、影響最大的寓言,由於形象生動、寓意深刻、富於哲理,在全世界流傳兩千五百餘年而經久不衰 ...
待人處事的智慧寶庫 在全世界流傳兩千五百多年的《伊索寓言》,是世界上最早的動物寓言經典之作,對歐洲的寓言文學影響很深,幾乎每個國家都有這本書的譯本,而中文版的《 ...
【120篇寓言故事,開啟人生智慧的無盡寶庫】 淺顯易懂、傳唱全世界,風靡千年的寓言文學始祖, 帶你洞悉人性、掌握處世之道,活得睿智又安穩! ...
yi suo yu yan shi quan shi jie di yi ben yu yan gu shi ji,Shou lu le gu xi la zui hui jiang gu shi de ren yi suo...
本书收录了:魔鬼与姑娘, 骡子和强盗, 狮子和老鼠, 游泳的小孩等百余篇寓言.