雅思專業師資授課, 帶你從學習→產出→釐清→彙整→驗收, 一步一步強化邏輯思維、提高解決問題能力, 跨越雅思門檻、進階實力養成,一次到位! 專業師資為自學者精心打造的雅思寫作與閱讀「答題策略」四大鍛鍊: ▍鍛鍊一: 軟硬實力鍛鍊 硬實力(能快速上手及看見成效的能力)+軟實力(累積經驗並適時變通的能力),一本雙效,軟硬實力兼備,帶你打好基礎,跨越考試門檻,更能實際運用,應付各種需要。 ▍鍛鍊二:熟悉題型鍛鍊 提供多款解題示範、詳細解題步驟,以及多元的活用句型、必備相關字彙……學習不必套模版,讓你扎實培養靈活的個人寫作風格及閱讀能力,不論題型怎麼變,都能應付自如,解題易如反掌,真正的實力養成。 ▍鍛鍊三:快速解題鍛鍊 利用範文及詳細解析,一步步帶領讀者訓練達成四大審核評分標準,從中理解題目重點,提升發現常見錯誤的敏銳度及演練修正的方式,增進快速高分作答能力,同時建立賞析文章的品味。 ▍鍛鍊四:熟能生巧鍛鍊 特別設計各種題型的實戰演練,以及每一單元學習後可以立即驗收成果的即時測驗……讓讀者明確了解學習進度和結果;更可藉由不斷地反覆作測驗練習而溫故知新,對考試也更加熟悉,確實掌握考試訣竅及信心! 【使用說明】 ※寫作鍛鍊 一、學習 • 細讀「圖表」與「議論」寫作的引導式說明打基礎 • 瞭解寫作架構、要素以及字彙和句型 二、產出 • 就所學練習例題(不計時) • 照查核表檢查完成答案 三、釐清 • 前往「學習放大鏡」瞭解測驗標準 • 比較範文並從賞析中學習表達方式 • 就所學修訂文章 四、彙整 • 前往「錯誤類型」單元熟悉常見錯誤種類以訓練校正能力 • 前往「批判性思維鍛鍊」學習累積各類議題知識的系統 五、驗收 • 練習「模擬題型」(要計時) • 利用查核表以及測驗審核標準進行自我檢討 ※閱讀鍛鍊 一、學習 ‧學做閱讀以熟練閱讀策略以及脈絡性提示 ‧細讀引導說明學習解題流程 二、產出與釐清 ‧練習例題(不計時) ‧就解題說明核對答案 三、驗收 ‧練習「模擬題型」 ‧製作「閱讀檔案」彙整資訊、列出字彙表並提問 本書特色 ‧核心訓練:詳盡介紹寫作與閱讀的模式與關聯,打好基礎 ‧反覆審核能力:適時檢視及提供查核表,確認讀者對學習內容的理解 ‧資訊歸納訓練:提供彙整學習內容的方法,建立處理解決不同問題的思考網絡 ‧校閱及鑑別能力:辨認與修正錯誤並分析文章優劣
given form have exactly the same meaning ( e.g. , Timberlake 1982 ) . This is only partly true . ... out there far away ' , but neither * way naáč e ?
Longman Dictionary of American English Workbook
Extra writing practice with controlled exercises at the back of the book recycles all the words through word searches, crossword puzzles, matching activities, and so on.
This book treats aspects of grammar of Russian, from writing, phonology and morphology to syntax and aspect.
Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2016 in the subject Didactics - English - Pedagogy, Literature Studies, grade: Pass, Charles Darwin University, language: English, abstract: This literature review undertook a purposeful sample of ...
Pevalin 2010. 'the european Socio-economic classification: a Prolegomenon', in d. rose & e. Harrison (eds), Social Class in Europe: An Introduction to the European Socio-economic Classification, routledge: London roux, M. 2008.
It is more dangerous to sell famous works of art than to sell unknown works . 3. The goal of most art thieves is to steal the most valuable work possible . ( continued on the next page ) 4. Only a few legitimate art dealers have ever ...
Many thought it " bad manners " for a disabled person to appear in public . The idea of a " cripple " pursuing a political career ... His half - hour speech nominating Al Smith for president was cheered for one hour thirteen minutes .
Contains over 1,500 entries in both Bosnian and English along with a pronunciation guide. Includes essential phrases for typical tourist and business situations.
8 the nominalised noun (al-maxdar al-mu'awwal),27 as in: – To be quiet is better for you. where the nominalised noun is ( – your silence) that is implicitly understood and derived from ( ) and which acts as the musnad ilaihi whose ...