★ 魅力狂掃健身界!新世代女力May的最新「增肌減脂」企劃,重磅登場! ★ 李婉萍營養師專業審訂,健身名人Peeta葛格、Ashlee咻咻、Hana漢娜一致推薦! ★ 46道增肌減脂家常菜╳33組高效能徒手動作,用「飲食」和「運動」,打造自信體態! 什麼樣的健康料理,讓IG15萬粉絲吃上癮,敲碗喊續集? 什麼樣的徒手健身,讓Youtube點閱率破250萬,在家都忍不住動起來? ◎ 前作《一碗搞定!增肌減脂健身餐》熱銷不斷!來自粉絲的心聲與回饋── 「健身一定要吃冷盤、沙拉嗎?買不到酪梨、沙拉葉怎麼辦?」 「還是習慣吃中式菜色,但都油膩膩的,真的很難瘦……」 「沒時間上健身房,你都怎麼維持身材的?」 ◎ May式飲食法與獨創改良菜色,平價、道地又美味,大口吃也不怕胖── 這次,May將自己「吃」出人人稱羨體態的方法,一次大公開! 不僅將「一碗料理」改良成貼近台灣人口味,提出健康用油、調料和間歇性斷食的飲食方法, 還讓你用熟悉的「家常菜」與易取得的「平價食材」,輕鬆達到增肌減脂成效,合胃口又零負擔! ◎ May力體態的養成計畫,針對胸、背、肩、腹、臀,在家打造迷人身型── 從扁身、扁臀到如今擁有完美S曲線的May,親自研發並實踐各式高效有感的「徒手鍛鍊」, 不論在家或在外地,沒有器材、時間有限也能利用空檔雕塑體態。 本書中,她不藏私集結了針對各部位的健身菜單,還有女性必知的重訓觀念。 讓大家都能打破「做有氧來減肥」的執念,改用「健身強肌」的方式來打造不復胖的曲線身材, 在健身路上,身體和心靈都變得和May一樣強壯! 本書特色 1. 獨創吃法!翻轉油膩印象的台味健身菜,清爽、好吃、簡單,為運動成效大加分! 一般健身餐普遍偏西式,大塊肉、大口生菜雖然吃起來過癮,還是忍不住對熱騰騰的飯菜情有獨鍾!廣大健人們的需要和想要,May都懂!她將雞豬牛海鮮的大量蛋白質和蔬菜纖維結合,以家常的蒸炒煮燉手法呈現,獨創出鹽蔥雞胸飯、壽喜燒牛秋葵滑蛋丼飯、微罪惡起司煎鯛魚等47道最符合亞洲飲食習慣的「家常版」美味健身餐,讓你吃好吃滿,還能增肌減脂! 2. 搭配運動!收錄May在家自我鍛鍊的徒手運動,宅在家照樣練核心、提升全身肌肉量! 畢業後常常因為工作出國,有時候整個月都去不了健身房的May,為了不讓苦練出來的肌肉消失,獨自研發出一套不需仰賴器材的居家徒手運動,針對上半身、馬甲線、蜜桃臀、提升心肺等4大主題,安排仰臥踢腿、椅子深蹲、沙發負重臀橋等動作,鍛鍊腰、背、腹、臀、腿的肌肉,有效達到運動效果。每天只要花20-30分鐘的時間,就能看見身體的轉變。 3. 全新方法!針對減脂期設計的「間歇斷食」和「反轉飲食」,親身實證能有效雕塑體態、效果驚人! 走過減脂期狂啃沙拉的黑歷史,May經過多年嘗試後,終於找到適合自己的減脂飲食法。平日透過將三餐熱量分成兩餐吃的「間歇斷食」提升飽足感,假日再搭配小放縱的「反轉飲食」,消除身體對「吃不夠」的警覺心,避免身體停止燃燒熱量,成功降下用低碳飲食也降不下來的體重,連最難受的腰圍脂肪都能順利消除! 4. 專業審訂!由李婉萍營養師專業分析,精算料理中的營養素,並認證健身餐增肌減脂的成效。 每個人的體型、運動量不同,需要的熱量和營養也不一樣。May在本書中除了教你如何算出自己的攝取量,更請來專業營養師協助,將每道料理中的蛋白質、醣類、膳食纖維、脂肪清楚標示,不論想增肌或減脂,都能輕鬆對照調整,「客製化」專屬於自己的健身餐。 5. 一碗搞定!以一人份量設計,方便製作和攜帶,還有適合租屋族的電鍋版健身餐! 延續May最受歡迎的「一碗健身餐(Mayfitbowl)」概念,每道料理都以一人獨享的分量盛裝,除了方便檢視和計算健身需要的營養外,也很適合當成便當帶出門。另外考量到許多人不擅長做菜,或外宿沒有廚房,本書也收錄多篇一鍋到底、電鍋料理等超簡易食譜,只要有心,人人都可以是小廚神!
He also started an educational wine program for staff and created the restaurant's first wine pairing menus. www.theinnatlittlewashington.com Kathy Casey is the chef-owner of Kathy Casey Food Studios in Seattle.
GIBSON. EVOE. A perfectionist conquers the seasons with a grill pan and a make-do playbook. Imagine you've wandered into a cooking show, but the audience is just you. Standing in what looks like a dorm room decorated by Sur La Table, ...
Gibson. Martini. Martinis are not only excellent, but also sophisticated. Ingredients: 6 parts gin or vodka 1 part dry vermouth 3 cocktail onions Directions: 1. Shake or stir gin (or vodka) and vermouth with ice. 2.
... 153; in calas, 175 Roanoke Island, N.C., 74 Roux, 12, 13, 16, 17, 84, 85 S St. Cecilia Punch, 189 St. Charles Hotel, 183 Salad: wilted, 133; composed, 135; potato, 135; tomato aspic, 140; cucumbers and onions, 141 Salisbury, ...
Food preservation teacher and cook Karen Solomon teaches you how to smoke, pickle, salt-cure, oil-cure, and dehydrate a variety of meats, dairy, fish, eggs, and other proteins economically and at home.
A lot of it was food that would ordinarily be a hard - sell on an à la carte menu . It was sort of funky food that people practically fell over — they were so impressed with it . But if we had put some of these dishes on our menu — like ...
Wineries of all types , sizes , and levels of quality buy and sell wines in bulk . Some sell all of their production that way . Most large producers buy significant amounts of bulk wines from other wineries and then BLEND , bottle , and ...
A comprehensive guide to whole-animal butchery, covering the rudiments of butchery; how meat animals are raised, slaughtered, and marketed; and the complexities of meat grading, carcass yield, marbling scores, and issues with inspection.
Two hip event planners team up to present a guide to throwing a fabulous party, offering insider tricks, fashionable tips, and clever strategies on choosing a creative theme, finding the perfect location, designing memorable invitations and ...
There's a complete resource guide in the back, not to mention savvy tips from Puff Daddy, Russell Simmons, Lara Flynn Boyle, David Copperfield, Hugh Jackman, and Donald Trump.