1. 皇冠之珠的悲歌﹔論上訴機構之危機、改革、與前景(楊光華)
2. 隱藏版的皇冠之珠﹔WTO 透明化機制之功能改革願景(施文真)
3. 國際經濟法之管制調和﹔從實證出發(彭心儀、余靜玫)
4. 數位貿易規則對本國文化保護措施之影響﹔
5. 出口管制及WTO適法性探討﹔以美國出口管制制度及爭議為例(
6. GATT XXI 國家安全例外的審查與適用──以Russia──Traffic in Transit案為核心探討(張愷致、羅傑)
Criminology / Delinquency BECOME GIRLS DELINQUENCY AND JUVENILE JUSTICE MEDA CHESNEY - LIND AND RANDALL G. SHELDEN GIRLS , DELINQUENCY , AND JUVENILE JUSTICE a Third Edition Internet for research through searches and activities .
Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law
... the statutory asylum provisions to disapprove of some Ninth Circuit precedents.25 REFERENCES For additional reading, see: Jessica B. Cooper, Environmental Refugees: Meeting the Requirements of the Refugee Definition, 6 N.Y.U. ENV.
J. Bollinger S.A. and Champagne Lanson père et fils Subject : Use of the word “ Champagne ” as part of the terms “ Champagne Cider ” and “ Champagne Perry ” Report : ( 1975 ) 2 CMLR 479 EEC Treaty : Article 177 ( 1083 ) UK .
The Life and Legal Writings of Hugo Grotius . Norman , Oklahoma : University of Oklahoma Press , 1969 . Evririades , Euripides . " The Third World's Approach to the Deep Seabed . " Ocean Development and International Law 11 ( 1982 ) ...
In recent years the impact of the United Nations on international relations has increased considerably. Ever since its instrumental role in the establishment of Namibia as a democratic, independent, sovereign...
Lex Mercatoria and Arbitration: A Discussion of the New Law Merchant
Impact of Contract with America on the Territories: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Native American & Insular Affairs of the...
The History and Future of the World Trade Organization is a comprehensive account of the economic, political and legal issues surrounding the creation of the WTO and its evolution. Fully...