心中總有「好想改變一切」的不明騷動? 渴望找到自己的生活模式和價值? 這一本專為「創造新生活型態」而生的MOOK 將陪你鼓足勇氣、尋找新可能 |首期特輯──流動生活| 「你想過什麼樣的生活?」 「那樣的生活在哪裡?」 如果問內心這兩個問題,五秒內必須回答的話,你的回答是什麼。 「我想要自己決定工作時間和地點,不要每天趕著打卡上班!」 「我小時候住在鄉下地方,常常可以亂跑,我希望孩子也能住在那樣的地方。」 「我希望能住在夠大的空間,可以讓我種花種菜,但是經濟能力負擔得起。」 想要的生活,當然不像快問快答容易發生,卻仍有許多充滿想像的畫面。試刊號我們以「流動生活」為題,試圖在人口流動的歷史脈絡下,邀請社會觀察家對此現象提出二地生活型態的可行性,打破「定居就是不可動」的固著觀念。 同時也藉由訪談「書粥」高耀威、「採集人共作室」陳科廷、「有田有米」吳佳玲,及「月過山丘」賴祿珊&李婉蕙等長期在兩地移動、居住的生活案例,探究他們為何而流動,流動的同時又該如何兼顧理想與生計。 |特別企劃──Another Life另一種可能| 呼應特輯主題,拜訪了從原居住地、搬往異地的移住者案例,這次將傾聽「芭蕉圖書館」的凱力和阿勳,娓娓告白自身經驗的美好和荒瘠。並且,邀請東岸最強斜槓工作者──小海和其媽媽,分享工作與生活的多樣性,直入母女裏心的對談。 |專欄──Sight觀看的視線| 剛踏入一個地方時,觸目所及的場景、建築和人,以及只存在當下的時刻,看似尋常不過,但透過攝影師和生活家的抒情圖文,觀看視線成了細細傳達生活在地方的溫情。 |專欄──Inside of Place走進地方| 隨著深入各地,觀察事物漸擴及到生活趣味,邀請關注鐵皮屋建築、特色學校、自然生態、村鎮生活等作者撰寫專欄。同時,也藉由探討語言、地名和地質等專欄,了解地方文化的隱性存在。 |資訊──Local Minds地方心眼| 隨著各地增加的新創單位,逐步改變、影響生活所在地,人和地方的關係更趨緊密。因此每一期將邀請六個不同縣市的在地單位,分享他們觀察到的地方大小事。 作者簡介 地味手帖 是台灣第一本關注新生活型態的MOOK,面向包含移住、創生、職業、居住、街區文化等種種不同生活價值觀,每期探討一個特輯主題,試圖將隱性的現象化為明確的趨勢。內容中,更邀集多個地方文化和地區工作者的專欄,打造成一本「生活有著開闊可能」的風格指南誌。
Framed by Jobs' inspirational Stanford commencement speech and illustrated throughout with black and white photos, this is the story of the man who changed our world.
Edited by #1 New York Times-bestselling author Melissa de la Cruz, the book is the perfect gift for girls of all ages.
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Complete with: - Personal advice from teens who have lived or are living in two households - Tips on goal-setting and planning skills - Comic-book-style illustrations that give the book an edgy, modern, graphic novel feel
On November 21, Clyde and Bonnie celebrated Cumie's fiftyninth birthday with other family members on a deserted road west of Dallas near an unincorporated community called Sowers. Clyde and Bonnie were planning to leave town for a while ...
Violence even broke out in Congress when Representative Preston Brooks of South Carolina beat Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts almost to death on the Senate floor. Brooks was angry because Sumner had delivered an antislavery ...
At the Auto-Ordnance annual meeting, surrounded by antiques in Thomas Fortune Ryan's opulent New York office, Thompson suggested the gun be named after its chief financial backer. But Ryan wanted nothing of it.
Kimberly Bryant founded Black Girls Code because her daughter was the only black girlinasea of white, malefaces at a computer science camp. “I wanted to create something where she could find another community of girls like her who were ...
WOMEN OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Shown here are members of Kimberly Bryant's organization Black Girls Code, which she created to help black girls advance in technology classes. LEARNING ABOUT CITIZENSHIP WOMEN OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ...
Washington's logical successor was his vice president, John Adams. Burr, however, hoped that Thomas Jefferson would run for president. And Burr also believed that he would be an excellent choice for the Republican vice president.