This book will allow you to get a firm grasp of the relevant legislation so you’ll always be alert to its day-to-day impact on the employment relationship; and take practical steps to make sure your employee relationships and your business are not exposed to legal challenges. Step by step through the best-practice procedures that ensure full compliance with all relevant Hong Kong laws. Case studies and worked examples—dozens of them—clearly illuminate just about any difficulty likely to arise in any employment situation.
Hong Kong Employment Law: A Practical Guide
The Employment Law Review, edited by Erika C Collins of Proskauer Rose LLP, serves as a tool to help legal practitioners and human resources professionals identify issues that present challenges to their clients and companies.
Hong Kong Employment Law Manual
Employment Law and Practice in Hong Kong
An Introduction to Hong Kong Employment Law
Especially useful in this new edition is its coverage of the recently implemented Labour Contract Law of the PRC, which took effect on 1 January 2008, with its important clarifications in such areas as written contracts and severance pay.
Butterworths Hong Kong Employment Law Handbook: Employment Ordinance (Cap 57)
Hong Kong Employment Law
Hong Kong Employment Law: A Practical Guide
A Guide to Employment Law in Hong Kong