Instructor's Manual and Transparency Masters to Accompany Introduction to Computer Programming Using Turbo Pascal
本书是作者Peter J. Jones近十年Ruby开发经验的结晶.他利用48个Ruby实战案例, 揭示了Ruby鲜有人知的特点, 难点和习惯用法.每种实践案例都包含了具体的, 实用的, 组织清晰的指导方针, ...
本书介绍了使用UML进行软件建模的基础知识以及Rational Rose工具的使用方法,内容包括:软件工程与UML概述、Rational ...
Rosenthal , R. , & Jacobson , L. ( 1968 ) . Pygmalion in the classroom : Teacher expectation and pupil's intellectual development . ... Schacter , S. ( 1959 ) . The psychology of affiliation . Stanford , CA : Stanford University Press .
Inside CORBA: Distributed Object Standards and Applications
The software industry will leave behind any developer who does not have object-oriented development skills, and this book helps the developer to quickly get up to speed with objects.
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