作者在2014年到以色列遊覽耶路撒冷, 回來之後得到感動,
第1章: 以色列人的祖宗阿伯拉罕
第2章: 大衛的國權
第3章: 所羅門王獻殿
第4章: 古以色列國的衰亡
第5章: 先知的盼望
第6章: 重建聖殿
第7章: 被壓制下的悲歌
第8章: 哭泣的聖城耶路撒冷
第9章: 彌賽亞的預言
Mercando, L. (1974), 'Marche: Rinvenimenti di tombe de eta` romana', NSc: 88–141. Michel, D. (1990), Casa dei Cei, Ha ̈user in Pompeji, 3 (Munich). Mikler, H. (1997), Die römische Funde aus Bein im Landesmuseum Mainz (Montagnac). Miller ...
Greek vases: gods, heroes and mortals
From Media to Metaphor: Art about AIDS
This book offers the first interdisciplinary and in-depth study of the cultural practices and ideological paradigms that conditioned the politics of the "reading" of Sappho's songs in the early and...
The artistic traditions of ancient Iraq, or Mesopotamia, are among the oldest in the world, for it was in this flat, fertile land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers that...
Nigel Spivey sets the formation of the classical style in its proper historical context. He explores the question of how Greek art was inextricably bound up with the social, religious,...
Georgian history has been profoundly affected by the country's espousal of Christianity in the fourth century AD.During its 'Golden Age' from the eleventh to thirteenth centuries it was a world...
This unusual collection of primitive and medieval symbols provides one of the most fertile single sources of decorative ideas available today. It is also a graphic history of the development...
This beautifully illustrated book traces the fate and many meanings of obelisks across nearly forty centuries—what they meant to the Egyptians, and how other cultures have borrowed, interpreted, understood, and misunderstood them through ...
In 2005, the Denver Art Museum hosted a symposium in conjunction with the exhibition Tiwanaku: Ancestors of the Inca. An international array of scholars of Tiwanaku, Wari, and Inca art...