学习竭力催促之道,以便在面对各种反对之声、种种藉口、重重怀疑与敌视态度下,仍有效地布道。 达格何沃·米尔斯的这本著作可帮助您更有效地领人归主。
圣经劝告我们:“各人不要单顾自己的事,也要顾别人的事。”(腓立比书二4)。在这本正合时宜的著作,达格何沃·米尔斯挑战您不要只想到自己,也要顾念别人!爱别人!为别人 ...
您是否知道古代先知不断询问与寻找的伟大救恩,已向我们显明了?他们无法想象这救恩怎么会临到全人类……但我们却很蒙福,能够得着这救恩!我们之所以会得救,正因为有人与 ...
上帝实际上已经召唤了许多人。我们生在地球上,就是有机会可以事奉上帝,而对于我们为上帝的天国所做的事情,上帝都看在眼里。本书激励读者阅读。如果你吸收了作者所传达的 ...
Although evangelicals entered the century as full partners in the Protestant denominations and agencies that molded American cultural and intellectual life, since the 1970s evangelical Protestantism has been perceived as...
For the last few decades, Catholics and Protestants have been working to heal the wounds caused by centuries of mistrust. This book provides an evaluation of contemporary Roman Catholicism and...
Tells the story of Grace Di Biccari, an American evangelist and faith healer, and shares the accounts of those she has healed
Weber explores the historic relationship between evangelicals and Israel, the relationship's dispensational theological roots, and implications for the future. Not only does Weber describe history and politics, he also explores...
The Evangelical Dictionary of World Missions contains more than 1,400 articles on the theory, practice, theology, and history of missions. A comprehensive, one-volume reference, it not only provides a wealth...