Vital themes behind Christian unity are often overlooked in the press of sentiment for greater ecumenicity. This study seeks to examine the depths of true spiritual unity.
Expositions of Paul's special commission to preach the gospel to the Gentiles as fellow heirs of salvation.
This year marks the twenty-five anniversary of the publication of The First Urban Christians by Wayne A. Meeks. In this now-classic work Meeks examined the socio-historical context of Pauline Christianity...
An excellent guide for the solid application of the Bible to the perplexities of marriage and family living in our day for preachers, teachers, parents, and young people.
費蘭度博士(Ajith Fernando)對哥林多前書十三章這偉大的愛篇,作了精湛的釋經、演繹與應用,發人深省。在世人面前,基督徒的愛以一種獨特的方式,見證耶穌基督那救贖的福音是何等的美。基督徒的愛需要意志,這往往意味著你不喜歡但仍要去愛。「永存不息的有三樣,就是信心、盼望和愛,而其中最大的是愛。」(新普及譯本,林前十三13)在紛亂的世情,這樣徹底去愛原來值得,惟有愛有永恆的價值!耶穌在世時也許沒有佳形美容,離世時甚至枯槁如秋葉,卻以此生展現一份徹底,完備的愛。這份愛召喚我們跟隨祂的腳蹤行。
The author asserts that the teaching of Ephesians can be understood only in the light of the great doctrine found in the first chapter. It is in Ephesians that God's...
These masterful expositions on the second chapter of the Book of Ephesians reach the heart of the human problem--man's estrangement from God.
This last volume of Lloyd-Jones commentary of Ephesians was edited from tapes after his death. As a legacy it covers the atonement and the Christians stand in a dark world...
The full satanic strategy is uncovered, including how discouragement, anxiety, false zeal, lack of assurance, and worldliness come under the heading "the wiles of the devil."