《五音韻譜》便於翻閲,明代席捲天下,而所有版本均不附李燾序,世人多不知《五音韻譜》出李燾,竟視《五音韻譜》爲大徐本。直至康熙末年汲古閣刊刻大徐本,真相大白,《五音韻譜》頓時爲學者所不屑。其實《五音韻譜》是校勘大徐本不可或缺的重要版本, ...
It is quite surprising that the shepherd leaves the ninety - nine without protection , and the surprise lends emphasis to the point that God seeks the lost . We note that the primary point of the similitude is that of a situation : as ...
The three Johannine letters near the end of the New Testament, which are traditionally linked with the Gospel of John, address important issues in the theology and life of the...
This book is invigorating to read, for it is how biblical theology should be written. Professor Cullmann has set a high standard of biblical scholarship in this book, and it will be a great resource for students of sacred Scripture.
Biblical theology and doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Since its appearance nearly 35 years ago, Black's New Testament Commentary Series has been hailed by both scholars and pastors for its insightful interpretations and reliable commentary. Each book in...
Since its appearance nearly 35 years ago, Black's New Testament Commentary Series has been hailed by both scholars and pastors for its insightful interpretations and reliable commentary. Each book in...
This text is the best-selling non-sectarian guide for students undertaking their first systematic study of the Bible, and it is the only single-volume text that gives both a comprehensive historical-cultural...
"Curiosity about our beginning continues to haunt the human race. It will not call off the Quest for its origins." The opening chapters of Genesis -- important at any time...