在本書中,香港史學會的年青學者通過介紹30件香港著名的文物古蹟,並逐一考證其歷史源由、流變發展、歷史價值等,串連出香港自新石器時代,歷經漢唐宋元,到殖民地時期的活生生的歷史。 此書以文物及古蹟為研究對象……按年代序列,涉及考古、政治、文化、宗教、軍事、商貿、慈善等範疇,涵蓋英治前後的歷史,每一選項均探本尋源,條分縷析。各選項加起來正好是一本頗完整的香港史。 ──丁新豹(前任香港歷史博物館總館長) 很感謝本書的作者為我們發掘和搜集這些文物和它們背後的故事。通過這些故事,大家或可以嶄新的角度詮釋香港歷史,今天的香港,畢竟就是由這些故事一點一滴塑造而成。 ──高添強(古物諮詢委員會成員)
The gripping narration of a life fore-ordained for greatness coupled with breathtaking photographs make Joseph Smith, Praise to the Man and extraordinary book.
This extraordinary map, the first of its kind created for any state, is a wonderful way to discover the history, culture, land, and people of Wisconsin.
The Noble Prize in Physics, 1995 In 1995 Dr. Frederick Reines was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his and Dr. Clyde L. Cowan's detection of the neutrino at the Savannah River Plant. The Nobel citation called their experiment “a ...
Suggests twelve walking tours through each section of San Francisco, describes points of interest along each route, and lists recommended refreshment stops.
On the opposite side of the cemetery from the church is Hendrickson House. The stone dwelling was built in 1690 for Andrew Hendrickson, a young Swedish farmer, and his wife, Brigitta, daughter of Marten Martensson.
St. Augustine Enters the Twenty-First Century
From saints and scholars to warriors and patriots to writers, artists, statesmen and simply "characters," this entertaining and highly informative collection of short profiles provides not only an account of...
Bearss, Edwin C., and Arrell M. Gibson. Fort Smith: Little Gibraltar on the Arkansas. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, ... Jackson: Mississippi Department of Archives and History, 1989. Bray, Kingsley M. Crazy Horse: A Lakota Life.
wait out the weather Tarleton , however , began bearing down on Morgan with great speed . Morgan's Dilemma Morgan was not moving at as fast a pace as Tarleton . He had personnel issues . Greene had vetoed Morgan's plan to move into ...
The Arabs first besieged the Greek eis tin polin , ' to the city ' ) . the city in 674 and were only re- The sultans lived in the Topkapı pulsed by the use of the newly Sarayi , a huge complex of buildings invented Greek Fire .