Vermont Mines and Mineral Localities
Minerals and Energy in Australia
Wissenswertes über wichtige Rohstoffe, ihre Entdeckung, Gewinnung, Verarbeitung und Verwendung, dargestellt in Bild und Wort. (ab 10).
A history of the San Juan Mountains mining region and the town of Silverton, Colorado--Preface.
Low - grade ores have been reported from quartz veins in the Kojak - Amran range of the Quetta - Pishin district , and as disseminations in the Tertiary syenites of western Baluchistan . India's imports of copper and brass for the pre ...
Larry Buchanan, a world-renowned geologist, discovers an enormous deposit of silver beneath a remote Quechua village in Bolivia and unwittingly fulfills a 400-year-old prophecy that promised a life of wealth for the villagers.
Zonguldak kömür havzası: İnsan, mekan, zaman
Diggings & Doings in Park City
Estadística Minera y Metalúrgica de España ( 1861-1936 ) : Dirección General de Minas . Madrid . Ezquerra del Bayo , J. ( 1844 ) ... Ferrero Blanco , M. D. ( 1994 ) : Capitalismo minero y resistencia rural en el suroeste andaluz .
Scott and Rico find a map to long-lost treasure - $250,000 buried in Bolton 's mine. But when the school bully steals their map and heads for the old mine, the race is on.