He feels and thinks not only for himself but Some people and authorities did not like his views and his honest ways . for others too . He lives for ... They lived for others and died spread wrong ideas among the Greeks , for others .
She lived in the promise that “God had planned something better for (her)” so that through this present difficulty she would continued to be made holy (Hebrews 11:40, ... They took risks to save others at the expense of their own lives.
By his knowledge and untiring efforts , why people act as they do . Socrates is credited man has changed his ... He possesses living " and " no man knowingly does evil " . wealth , power and authority . ... He lives for others .
BE COMPASSIONATE History is replete with examples of great men who lived out their life for others . They became great because they lived for others . Our own nation has produced a world leader in the person of Mahatma Gandhi .
He would have gone on living physically , but if he felt that he was betraying his mission , he would have felt dead ... We do not honor martyrs because they died ; everyone does that , though most people prefer not to think about it ...
Living God'S Life in a New World Hoan Moses Chung. Following the example of Jesus, Paul lived his life for others. Why did Jesus and Paul live for others? The answer is love. They lived for others because love compelled them to do so.
So Paul admonished Timothy to teach the concept of living for others to his followers. Be like Christ. Humble yourself. Take up your cross daily. Follow. “In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the ...
He sees a paralytic, a leper, or a man long confined to his bed; he speaks, they rise, and are healed. He lived for others, not for himself. His constant labors were without any motive, except the good of those who lived in the world.38 ...
Featuring a variety of voices including Johnetta B. Cole, Marsye Conde, Rita Dove, Nikki Giovanni, Akasha (Gloria) Hull, Toni Morrison, Iyanla Vanzant, and Alice Walker, this collection demonstrates the diverse ways that women connect with ...
Not to share that message with others would mean they had received that grace in vain. By God's grace, they were “Christ's ... Instead of living for others, they lived for themselves. The old things had not passed away from the way they ...