This volume brings together essays on songs and politics in the region of Eastern Africa and beyond. The theme that cuts across the contributions is that songs are, in addition to their aesthetic appeal, vital tools for exploring how political and social events are shaped and understood by citizens. Urbanization, commercialization and globalization contributed to the vibrancy of East African popular music of the 1990s. It was a product of social processes inseparable from society, politics, and other critical issues of the day. The lyrics explored socials cosmology, world views, class and gender relations, interpretations of value systems, and other political, social and cultural practices, even as they entertained and provided momentary escape for audience members. Frustration, disenchantments, and emotional fatigue resulting from corrupt and dictatorial political systems that stifle the potential of citizens drove and still drive popular music in Eastern Africa as in most of Africa.
Trade, Development and Poverty in Tanzania: When Does Trade Reduce Poverty, when Doesn't It, and Why? : Key Messages on...
Economic Accounting and Development Planning: An Introduction to General Principles of Accounting, Input-output Tables and National Income Accounts ... with...
Resolving Conflict in Africa: The Fermeda Workshop
本书分为"追寻历史的脚步", "探索地球的奥秘"和"走进最后的原始部落"三部分, 从科学和人文相结合的角度, 系统介绍东非大裂谷核心地段的地质成因, 地理风貌, 历史古迹, 珍稀物种, ...
COMESA Court of Justice: Medium Term Strategic Plan of the COMESA Court of Justice
Presents the geology, wildlife, and inhabitants of the Great Rift Valley, which extends from Lebanon to Mozambique
Basil Davidson states that by examining three important areas of Africa in the history of slavery 'against a general background of their time and circumstance' he was taking 'a fresh look at the oversea slave trade, the steady year-by-year ...
Delwyn McPhun has cruised the coast of East Africa between Kenya and Durban for nearly a decade and has surveyed the area covered by this pilot book in detail, visiting each port, harbour and anchorage that he describes.
Swahili Origins: Swahili Culture & the Shungwaya Phenomenon