On the suggestion of Cooper , I once gave a single dose of Tax . o in a case of aural polypus ( bright red ) with catarrh , in a youth , with the result that the polypus shrivelled up to one - third of its former size .
Pain in maxillary bones and masseter muscles . Mouth and nose dry . OXYTROPIS Head . — Rush of blood to head and face . Nervous . Vertigo when ́moving . Burning in eyes and ringing in ears . PAEONIA Head . — Feels as if swung backward ...
ARALIA HISPIDA ( in ' relation ' to Apocynum cannabinum ) Aral - h . -Wild Elder - a valuable diuretic , useful in dropsy of the ... ARCTOSTAPHYLOS MANZANITA ( in ' relation ' to Uva ursi ) Manz . Acts on renal and reproductive organs .
Basic Homœopathic [i.e. Homoeopathic] Therapeutics
Piscitelli SC , Burstein AH , Welden N , et al , “ The Effect of Garlic Supplements on the Pharmacokinetics of Saquinavir , " Clin Infect Dis , 2002 , 34 ( 2 ) : 234-8 . Salman H , Beyman M , Bessler H , et al , “ Effect of Garlic ...
The author was a teacher of skin diseases. A book which gives the description, etiology, diagnosis and treatment according to the law of similar.
The Concise Guide to Homoeopathy: An Introduction to the Understanding and Use of Homoeopathy
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