CONTENIDO: La descolonización de la migración y el nuevo paradigma de la sociedad local/global - Negociando la ciudad global desde lo lo local: nueva yol y la transculturalidad como espacio de resistencia - La política de la identidad local/global y la mujer migrante como nuevo sujeto histórico - Ventajas del transnacionalismo desde abajo y los lazos migratorios de la dependencia colonial/imperial - El transnacionalismo desde arriba: sus causas y orígenes vistos desde una mirada de género posconolial.
... Carmen, and in the process, she became a contradiction of death, her life a testimony of Black women living. The narrative structure of Carmen: FotonovelARTE also centers community as key to daily living. Carmen cares for her ill ...
Joaquín Balaguer, Memory, and Diaspora takes from and expands upon a growing and diversified body of scholarship on the enduring effects of authoritarian legacies among local and diasporic populations.
Based on ethnographic research with Dominicans in New York City, a pioneering analysis of how gay immigrant men of color negotiate race, sexuality, and power in their daily lives.
Tavares then introduced Jim Rogers, an associate director at Mouchel. Rogers spoke at length about the purpose and scope of the environmental impact study, discussing in mind-numbing detail the various components and stages of the study ...
En este libro se analizan y contextualizan los principales hitos e ideas del pensamiento económico de la CEPAL sobre recursos naturales, medio ambiente y sostenibilidad, organizados en las dos grandes etapas que han caracterizado la vida ...
Presents the celebrated Cuban revolutionary's thoughts on “Nuestra America,” the Latin America Martí fought to make free.
The essays in this volume expand the meaning of the name ‘America.’ . . . A useful and stimulating book.”-Marta E. Sanchez, University of California, San Diego
A Fair Globalization: Creating Opportunities for All
This reduction of abstraction to design , decoration , even kitsch was extreme in the citation of op art by Ross Bleckner , Phillip Taaffe , and Peter Schuyff . As Bleckner noted in a characteristically sardonic way , op art was ...
Globalization and its relation to poverty reduction and development is not well understood. The book identifies the ways in which globalization can overcome poverty or make it worse.