Only recently have a number of American Indians found success in Hollywood as actors , directors and screenwriters . Today , Wes Studi , Graham Greene , Adam Beach , Chris Eyre , Irene Bedard , and others show up ...
Studien zur Entwicklung des kollektiven Bewußtseins in der Neuzeit, hg. von Bernhard Giese. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft, 21991, S. 56–73. Davidson, D. A.; Jones, R. L., »The Environment of Orkney«, ...
Providing a practical, balanced, and clearly written guide to this multidisciplinary area of law, this book identifies the key areas of practice and offers a guide to the application of the law for each through the relevant laws and ...
The National Heritage: What's it Worth and Who's to Pay?
Bean , L. J. , and H. W. Lawton . Some explanations for the rise of cultural complexity in native California with comments on proto - agriculture and agriculture . In Before the Wilderness : Environmental Management by Native ...
Cultural Heritage in War: Moral and Military Choices
Historic Resources Strategy, Waikato Conservancy
Kulturgüter bedürfen auf Grund ihrer Einmaligkeit eines besonderen Schutzes, der nicht allein mit finanziellen und tatsächlichen Mitteln, sondern auch auf rechtlicher Ebene durchgesetzt werden muss.
En Campos Romero , L. ( coord .. ) : El Turismo en Castilla - La Mancha . Análisis y Prospectiva . Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha . Cuenca , 29-43 . Troitiño , M. A. ( 2002 ) : « El patrimonio arquitectónico y urbanístico como ...