Newly revised an updated for 1999-2000, the Directory of Graduate Programs, Vols.
This sixth edition contains a wealth of information for over 100 master's and doctoral degree programs in the United States, Canada, Australia, Great Britain and South Africa.
Easy-to-read pages offer an alphabetical listing of graduate degree programs and the colleges and universities that offer them. Up-to-date data is collected through Peterson's Annual Survey of Graduate and Professional Institutions.
This ninth edition offers a wealth of information about graduate programs and career opportunities internationally.
Directory of Graduate Programs: 1986 & 1987
The Directory of Graduate Programs
The eighth edition of the "Directory of Graduate Programs in Applied Sport Psychology" once again offers a wealth of information about graduate programs and career opportunities internationally. Over the years,...
Newly revised an updated for 1999-2000, the Directory of Graduate Programs, Vols.
Led by new editor Greg Comfort, the resources of FIT and the NASSM combine to produce The 'Directory of Graduate Programs in Sport Management', allowing each program to be fully researched and representing a greater number of programs than ...
Newly revised an updated for 1999-2000, the Directory of Graduate Programs, Vols.