Would you want to know why Wicca is the fastest growing religion in America and experience the many great things it has to offer, cast your own spells and manifest your own reality the way you want it as you practice Wicca? And have you been aspiring to learn about Wicca, to satisfy your deep curiosity about the religion and or perhaps eventually join the community to be a practicing Wiccan? If you've answered YES, keep reading…. You Are About To Discover How Exactly You Can Venture Into The World Of Wicca, To Understand The Ins And Outs Of The Practice And More! As you may have heard, Wicca is a religion and a practice that has countless spiritual, emotional and physical benefits. I imagine that by coming here, you already know that it's not the stereotypical evil, satanic form of witchcraft depicted in many novels, movies and documentaries- often featuring a shabby, grim-faced old woman riding on a broom. Wicca is uplifting, restorative, powerfully protective, spiritual and intellectual. Joining Wicca would afford you an intimate connection to nature, help you bend and mold your way into a healthier, happier lifestyle, help you understand yourself as you turn inward and get enlightened on things around you, enable you to practice magic and make many of your intimate wishes come true and so much more. But great as it is, it's admittedly not always the easiest thing to get started with. Like many people around the world, you might have a strong desire to understand and get absorbed into Wicca, but then you keep wondering: How do I get started? What exactly do I need to do? Would it be dangerous or harmful at some point? How exactly does Wicca work? How exactly would I benefit by joining Wicca? How do you practice Wicca? What is it about all the spells and how do you start casting spells? If such questions sound familiar, then all you've ever needed is this comprehensive book that has all the facts and details about Wicca- geared towards helping you make a more informed decision about joining Wicca and teaching you some of the most amazing things you probably didn't know existed in religion. Here's a snapshot of what you'll learn from this book: What Wicca is, the nature of the practice and its different forms The beliefs of Wiccans about nature and the universe; the difference between witches and Wiccans The divinity of Wicca including the goddess (mother, maiden and crone), her depictions and the God What the Wiccan wheel of the year is, how it works, as well as the ins and outs of the different Wiccan seasons and holidays The nature, source and role of the Wiccan ethics and practices and personal connection with the deity What it's like being a Wiccan How Wiccans view death and the afterlife Assessing your decision to join Wicca; how to join Wicca and what you need to know before you join Wicca The principles of the Wiccan belief The nature of the Wiccan God and Goddess The meaning and nature of witchcraft Important tips you need to learn as an aspiring Wiccan to be successful in Wicca …And so much more! Ever thought your life needed a change? That you need to be more in touch with your desires and intentions; become more positive and determine your fate perhaps? If you've answered yes, this concise beginners' book will take you through Wicca to show you how you can achieve that and more in no time through Wiccan practices. Scroll up and click Buy Now With 1-Click or Buy Now to get started!
During our ride, they discussed MTV's rumor that 'N Sync star Justin Timberlake had assaulted a female fan. Mollie has been to two 'N Sync concerts, ...
Around Mabon, you may start to notice frost forming on the ground ... or quality of yourself you'd like to strengthen and incorporate it into a ritual.
It is the living Spirit of God. In Healing Thoughts, author Marjorie Daun Timberlake-Linton shares that when there is a conscious realization of the presence and power of God within, we can handle any situation that confronts us.
Finding happiness, peace, and purpose really can be as simple as changing our minds. This little book will show you how. “Change Your Mind and Your Life Will Follow tells the truth and tells it well.
En esta exquisita recopilacion, las palabras de Virginia Woolf, Joan Baez o Carlos Castaneda vienen acompanadas de reflexiones profundas y enriquecedoras. Cada pagina sera un rayo de luz y un oasis de serenidad para tu nuevo dia.
Oggi è un nuovo giorno. Meditazioni giorno per giorno per donne che vivono momenti difficili
Robson proposes to present the relics to the British museum at London upon his return to Liverpool.” Investigations into this story by journalist N.L Hills revealed that it is unlikely that this story was a hoax as there really had been ...
Guy Gibson wasa different brandof celebrity. He came to prominence during the Second World War, after leading the 1943 raid againsttwo hydroelectric dams in industrial Germany, using speciallydesigned bouncing bombs.
Judy Hall's Complete Crystal Workshop is interactive, practical, and includes a step-by-step learning program to guide you toward the profound wisdom within crystal lore.
In this book, best-selling occultist and crystal expert Judy Hall provides a basic primer on crystal skulls: What they are Where they are found Their role in legend and lore around the world Their uses for physical and psychic healing Also ...