يعد الحارث بن أسد المحاسبي طبيبا من أطباء القلوب، وتخرج الغزالي على كتبه، وبين أيدينا مجموعة فيها أربع رسائل له : الأولى: أعمال القلوب والجوارح، والثانية: المكاسب، والثالثة: العقل، والرابعة: المسائل في الزهد وغيرها كالصمت والغنى والفقر ودفع الوسواس والكبر والرياء. Descriptor(s): SUFISM | MYSTICISM | SUFI ORDERS | ISLAMIC JURISPRUDENCE | SUFISTS
Awakened Dreams was written in the early 1900s at the end of the Ottoman era by Ahmet Hilmi—humorist, revolutionary, and Sufi mystic. Raji—a young man disillusioned with science, philosophy,...
This translation of Rumi's Fihi ma Fihi should easily become the standard English edition of this important collection of his discourses, conversations, and commentaries on various and sundry topics....
The Sun at Midnight: The Revealed Mysteries of the Ahlul Bayt Sufis
Nonfiction. Rumi is one of the great mystics of Islam. He founded in the XIIIth century a brotherhood in the Turkish city of Konya, famous for the use of music...
وأنفعُ ما عالَج به المؤمنُ في أمر دِينه: قَطْعُ حُب الدنيا من قلبه، فإذا فعل ذلك هان عليه تَركُ الدنيا، وسَهُل عليه طَلبُ الآخرة... ولا يَقدِر على قَطعِه...
A tradition of intentional and initiatic dreaming, stretching from present-day dream-interpretation booklets back to ancient Sumerian and Egyptian practices, connects the Sufism of Ibn Arabi, medieval Kabalah, hemp-inspired Taoist scriptures,...
The first volume in a three-volume set, this is a study of the rise of Persian Sufi spirituality and literature in Islam during the first six Muslim centuries. This collection...
Universal Man
The luminous presence of women who follow the Sufi Way—the mystical path of Islam—is brought to life here through their sacred songs and poetry, their dreams and visions, and stories...
A contemporary presentation of the 99 divine attributes or names of God according to the Islamic Sufi tradition. In this volume, Tosun Bayrak explains how to use these Names for...