"Man is an indefinable, unfathomable and eternal expression of the 'One Life'. The contents of this book have been inspired from the Higher Spiritual realms by Ascended Masters for the purpose of the elevation of mankind. One is taken on a mystical journey of Self-discovery, a journey whereby one is drawn inward, along the ever-flowing stream of Light toward Its source at the inmost highest point within their being. Along the way one finds that the physical body is but a manifestation of the inmost realm, as is the earth, and that Heaven is not a place but a state of Consciousness. The soul learns that deep within them is the Infinite Eternal source of all Life and that they are an integral part of the 'Whole' and can never be separated from 'It'. Man has a dual nature, he-she is both human and Divine; through the unfolding of the sacred inner mysteries, that Christ gave us, one is shown the way to overcome the lower or instinctive nature that the True Spiritual Nature can unfold and express Its unconditional Love, Wisdom, great Power and magnificent Glory; the 'I and the Father are One' state of Consciousness. This book contains coloured pictures of 14 Ascended Masters along with detailed information about each one"--Back cover.
I Am the Open Door
Druhan celebrates the soul and the lover in this poetic, sophisticated guide to love and lovemaking in the spiritual realm.
These books contain compiled information of vital points of Ascended Master instruction given over a period of several years. This teaching is the law of life and its conscious application.
( 64 ) This ritual is described in the Dossier on the Ascension by Serapis Bey , pp . 158 , 175-78 . See also Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet , Lords of the Seven Rays : Mirror of Consciousness , Book One , pp , 171-74 ...
The second book channeled by Ishmael that provides clear information on the ascension process of the human soul.
MISSING Signs from your deceased Pet? This book teaches you how to connect and communicate with your beloved pet's Spirit. Start NOW on continuing your never ending love!
This is a journey you do not want to miss. Each person is in control of their own spiritual awakening. The Fellowship of Yeshua offers you the opportunity to take that control.
Archangel Animal Oracle Cards
Creating Heaven on Earth: A Guide to Personal Ascension contains information on the following topics: -- Why the Soul was created and the "real" reason humans are occupying Earth.
With easy-to-use techniques for purification, release, empowerment and ways of connecting with the Ascended Masters and Archangels, the book offers tools to anyone who wishes to accelerate their spiritual growth, and take advantage of the ...