Continue The Mission A We The People's Handbook REVISED

Continue The Mission A We The People's Handbook REVISED
Charlie Mike Publishing
Gregg Cummings


What else can we do other than vote? this is the question so many Americans ask today, and this is why We The People's Handbook was written. With the ever-growing and absolute purpose-driven lack of education about our American history, the very essence of E Pluribus Unum (from the many one) is being forgotten, eroded, and manipulated out of existence. This is no made-up theory, but a direct in-your-face disregard for the importance of our founder's original intent of a free nation. Our beloved Republic has witnessed a blatant systematic campaign by the local, state, and federal government to tear down any belief or revered education on our Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights. The sacredness of these documents, our US Flag, and the true focus on the Unity of the people, have all but been diluted by ideological government systems that have always been in direct opposition to the United States of America. Ideologies like a pure democracy, socialism, Marxism, fascism, and communism, that all fall under one umbrella of modern-day globalism. This handbook not only holds our nation's 3 sacred documents, but it explains the duty of We The People and gives you your authority back within our Constitutional Republic as you learn all you can and should do other than just voting. It gives insights, definitions, how-tos, and best practices. Truly a handbook that all American Citizens should have in their hands.

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