Have you ever found yourself enjoying a leisurely day before noticing gray clouds appearing in the sky? Though they represent a clear indication that a storm is underway, you ignore the signs and proceed about your day. Or, perhaps you didn't notice the clouds and missed the warning sign. Nevertheless, you're caught in the storm now, struggling to navigate through the thunder, lightning and heavy rains of life. The worst part is, you have no idea if the storm is going to pass before you're able to see your way out. After the Storm is a collaboration of stories by courageous survivors detailing how they overcame challenging circumstances in their lives. Thirteen authors share their testimonies of surviving the storms of life from domestic abuse, grief, PTSD, sexual assault, and more. Recognizing that everyone's storm is different based on the coordinates of their respective lives, these survivors encourage readers that, though the winds may blow and you can hardly see the road, one day soon, the storm will pass. After reading After the Storm, readers will feel motivated to release the judgement associated with their own storms and instead be inspired to feel the sunshine of a new day!