For some of us, repeatedly, we've heard, "You can't do that!" Perhaps, for others, the commanding tone of, "Stop it! You just can't do it!" continues to ring from one ear to the next. Hearing such words, day in and day out, causes one to develop a negative mindset. From our fathers and mothers to the pastor and friend, they've all meant well; although at times, it didn't end well. God, who is love, light and life, never created anyone to live in the reality of inability. Before the foundation of the world, God has always desired for mankind to live in the environment of ability. However, to do so, one must develop a can-do mentality. A consistent can-do mentality will translate into a U-CAN reality. In his newest book, Kelven Johnson, encourages the individual to tap into their God-given ability to overcome any obstacle. By understanding the innate ability of our God-like nature, the impossible can now become the possible. Our environment impacts our mentality which determines our reality. In the book, Kelven examines the true capacity of the individual. He will guide you on how to grow, identify and apply your God-given ability to overcome no matter the circumstance. Kelven will show you how to win. Isn't it time for you to start winning again? Sure, it is. You got this, let's go!