A raised bed garden can mean many things! In general, though, it's when a planting bed sits on top of your existing soil. And if you want to have raised bed garden in your house, this book can help. Also in this book, you're going to discover: - What Is A Raised Bed Garden? - 10 Excellent Reasons to Use Raised Beds in Your Garden - How to Grow Vegetables in a Raised Bed? - 7 Common Mistakes in Raised Bed Gardening - The Easiest Vegetables to Grow in Raised Beds - 10 Best Soil for Raised Garden Beds - How Much Soil Does Your Raised Bed Garden Need? - 10 Tips for Successful Raised Bed Gardening - 15 Raised Bed Garden Design Ideas Eventhough if you are a beginner, the information contained in this book will guide you to create an entire garden of raised beds that is more resourceful. Grab this book and making your beautiful raised bed garden.