Get Rich With Digital Real Estate: Become a Digital Landlord Today!

Get Rich With Digital Real Estate: Become a Digital Landlord Today!
Mike Martin


For the first time in history we live in two worlds simultaneously. One has always been here and has existed as long as the human race, whereas the other is new and doesn't play by the same rules. The first world has tiers of people all divided by wealth, religion, race, class, weight, history and standing in the community. In the first world you are judged because of where you are born, because of your history and even your family's history. People are segregated because of their beliefs, their wealth, their weight and even the colour of their skin. In the first world success is hard to find if you come from the wrong family, the wrong part of town, have the wrong beliefs, are the wrong colour or in some cases you're just too fat or skinny. In the first world some children are born without hope, with their futures laid out in front of them. The ability to break free from where you begin can in some cases be impossible. But now for the first time in history there is a second world, a world where you can be anything you want to be, a world where wealth, religion, race, class and history do not matter. A world where the poorest of the poor and the richest of the rich stand side by side neck and neck with the same opportunities. A world where wealth and education make no difference whatsoever, meaning a man born in the poorest part of the Philippines can compete with a man born in the richest part of Beverly Hills and win. All you need to succeed in the second world is determination, a laptop and an internet connection. No matter where you come from, I will take you by the hand and lead you through the steps of online success inside this book. Welcome to the new world where anyone can become rich, "The Internet".