Medical Surgical Nursing

Medical Surgical Nursing
Independently Published
Linda Workman


Master the essential medical-surgical nursing content you'll need for success on the Next Generation NCLEX(R) Exam (NGN) and safe clinical practice! Medical-Surgical Nursing: Concepts for Interprofessional Collaborative Care, 10th Edition uses a conceptual approach to provide adult health knowledge and help you develop the clinical nursing judgment skills that today's medical-surgical nurses need to deliver safe, effective care. "Iggy" emphasizes three emerging trends in nursing ― interprofessional collaborative care, concept-based learning, and clinical judgment and systems thinking ― trends that will ground you in how to think like a nurse and how to apply your knowledge in the classroom, simulation laboratory, and clinical settings. A perennial bestseller, "Iggy" also features NCLEX Exam-style Challenge and Mastery questions to prepare you for success on the NGN! Consistent use of interprofessional terminology promotes interprofessional collaboration through the use of a common healthcare language, instead of using isolated nursing-specific diagnostic language. UNIQUE! Enhanced conceptual approach to learning integrates nursing concepts and exemplars, providing a foundation in professional nursing concepts and health and illness concepts, and showing their application in each chapter. Unparalleled emphasis on clinical reasoning and clinical judgment helps you develop these vital skills when applying concepts to clinical situations. Emphasis on QSEN and patient safety focuses on safety and evidence-based practice with Nursing Safety Priority boxes, including Drug Alert, Critical Rescue, and Action Alert boxes. Direct, easy-to-read writing style features concise sentences and straightforward vocabulary. Emphasis on health promotion and community-based care reflects the reality that most adult health care takes place in environments outside of high-acuity (hospital) settings.

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