Pet Rabbit Care Guide: How To Truly Enjoy Owning And Interacting With Your Rabbit: Pet Rabbits

Pet Rabbit Care Guide: How To Truly Enjoy Owning And Interacting With Your Rabbit: Pet Rabbits
Jarrett Nowzari


Rabbits are becoming more popular as house pets. However, many adopt new pet rabbits without first researching the proper way to take care of them, and because of that, they end up with various health issues that could have been prevented. Don't worry, this Pet Rabbit Care Book includes all of the things you need to know if you want to bring a new pet bunny into your home. Get your questions answered with in-depth information on: Bunny Basics -Is a rabbit a good pet for me? -What equipment do I need for a pet rabbit? -What should I feed a bunny to keep them healthy and ensure a long life? Finding Your Perfect Rabbit -What should I look for in a rabbit? What breeds make good pets? -Where can I buy/ adopt a rabbit? -What should I do to check the health and wellness of a rabbit before bringing them home? Life with Your Bunny -How do I bunny-proof my house? -How should I handle my rabbit? How do I groom my rabbit? -How do I introduce my new bunny to my family and kids? Health, Wellness, & Training: -What about vet visits? -What signs of illness should I look out for? How do I perform my own rabbit health-checks? -How can I tell what my bunny is thinking? (Rabbit body language) -What should I do if my rabbit bites? How do you litter box train a rabbit? And so much more!