Freshwater Aquariums: How to Set Up Your First Fish Tank, Choose the Best Fish, and Maintain Your Home Aquarium

Freshwater Aquariums: How to Set Up Your First Fish Tank, Choose the Best Fish, and Maintain Your Home Aquarium
Freshwater Aquariums
Jack Nelson


The perfect introduction for beginner fish keepers! Maybe you had fish as a kid and if you're like some of my readers, you tried your best but in the, all fish ended up dead... And you didn't know why. You gave them fresh water, food, made everything look nice, cleaned it properly... But it's not your fault- there are some tricky, small mistakes people make that can cause fish to die- especially freshwater fish. This book will give you everything you need to set up a healthy and perfect aquarium for your freshwater fish to thrive in! Here's what you'll find inside: A-Z, start to finish setup From setting up the tank, over what to put in when and where make sure your fish come home to the perfect environment Tankmates, what and why Learn which fish help each other grow and which ones might kill each other so you can have a peaceful aquarium where all the fish live together in harmony How to care for your fish What to look out for when cleaning, gardening the water plants, dealing with diseases and more! Where to buy healthy fish- this way you don't accidentally bring home sick fish that poison or destroy the aquarium you worked so hard for! Feeding, breeding and more Learn everything you need to keep your fish population healthy, what tech to use, what chemicals are okay and which are a not and a wealth of knowledge more! This book is perfect if you want to have a freshwater aquarium full of happy, healthy fish that thrive. Get your book now!

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