The Seed Is the Word of God

The Seed Is the Word of God
Independently Published
Ogaga In Christ


THE SEED IS THE WORD OF GOD While studying the parable of the sower from the various Gospel translations of Matthew, Mark and Luke, my eyes caught a phrase from inside out in Luke 8:11 which I perceived the holy ghost granting a fresh insight and understanding. The holy ghost kept emphasizing upon the phrase, "THE SEED IS THE WORD OF GOD". I began engaging Him for more light and I perceive what He seems to be saying is that brother, everything has its beginning in a seed. Even the gifts of the spirit have their beginning in a seed. Every manifestation have their beginning in a seed. The seed is the source. Seed is the beginning of all things. Seed is the beginning of every reproduction. Seed is the source of resources. Seed is where you begin. Everything on this earth has its beginning in a seed. Trees have their beginning in a seed. Animals have their beginning in a seed. Human beings have their beginning in a seed. All resources(sources of supply) have their beginning in a seed. Seed is the source of Resources. Hebrews 11:3 says; "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear." The INVISIBLE WORD frames the VISIBLE WORLDS. The Seed which is the Word of God is "the invisible which is not APPARENT but it is PARENT to the Visible". Many times you may think THE SEED is money but THE seed is the word of God but because Ecclesiastes 10:19 says; "...Money answers all things" so we imagine that the seed is money. Money answers all things as far as they are things. Friends the seed is the word of God. It is the seed we look forward to. We wait on God for the seed who is the word of God. If you invest time waiting on God for the seed, it would pay you a lot at the moment of release. The seed is the source of things that are. The seed is the source of resources. The seed is the word of God. I see you are seeking for more money but those who have deep understanding wait on God for THE SEED. When we desire to start a project, we check how much money and human resources do we have on ground to start because we think that the seed is money, and resources. These are seeds but they are not THE SEED. Resources are seeds but they are not THE SEED. THE SEED IS THE PROCEEDING WORD OF GOD.