When I was ten years old I asked our family's minister this question: Does God ever speak to us? I asked because mother had been reading the Bible to us, and in its stories, God often spoke to many different people. I also asked because I didn't know if God had ever spoken to me. He answered, No, God doesn't speak to us anymore. He used to, but He doesn't do it anymore. Twenty years later, I had an experience when God spoke to me. It was on Nov. 23, 1963, the day John F. Kennedy was shot down in Dallas. What I experienced that day changed my life. Since then I have had many experiences in which I believe God has spoken to me in many different ways. In Witness, I share these experiences, and how they have changed my life. So much so, that I believe this is a primary pathway leading us on a journey of Spiritual Transformation which takes us deeper and deeper into discovering who we are, and what our particular purpose is. Many years ago a famous American writer, Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote this sentence: "God calls without bell." I now believe we must learn to recognize these experiences when God speaks to us if we are ever to become who we uniquely are at our deepest level. You see God knows us, and we don't really know ourselves. So this is the way we find our way Home.