The objectives of these studies were to determine best production practices for five different specialty cut flower cultivars and assess pollinator visitation inside of high tunnels. We grew five specialty cut flower cultivars year-round in the greenhouse and late spring through fall in the high tunnels. We tested the effects of cultivar, growing environment, and pinching on the days from sowing to harvest, stem length, number of stems cut per plant, and marketable yield. The cultivars for production included Calendula officinalis Princess Golden, Matthiola incana Lucinda Mix, Helichrysum bracteatum Double Mix, Daucus carota Dara, and Celosia argentea Celway Mix. Results showed significant cultivar by environment and season interactions. This study concludes that careful cultivar selection for season and growing environment is essential for the successful integration of these niche cut flowers into current or future greenhouse and high tunnel production in Wyoming. The pollinator aspect of this study also included Zinnia elegans and Zinnia hybrid. The flower species attracted diverse pollinator groups including Hymenoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera, and Lepidoptera. C. officinalis and H. bracteatum performed well as cut flowers and were the most visited species by native bees. D. carota attracted the most Diptera visitors across the season including many syrphids. The Zinnias had the highest wasp visitation. All of the flower species hosted multiple pollinator functional groups. The mixture of cut flower species were able to offer season-long support for insect pollinators. This work was made possible by a Specialty Crop Grant from the Wyoming Department of Agriculture.
"An A-Z guide to 350 plants and over 400 cut flowers for you to buy or grow.
... Gilda Radner Lock Whitney International Paper Company The National Gallery of Art The Pierpont Morgan Library Heidi Gurbarg Terrance and Martin Koeniges Al and Cathy Possehl Martin Rapp Gilda Weinstein Karen Zendig Maxine Bargrasser ...
Provides illustrations and information on cultivation, color, and ease of growth for flowers that will bloom all season
Florists, floristry students, flowers arrangers, brides - indeed anyone who enjoys having flowers in the home will find this book invaluable.
With stunning color photographs detailing dozens of start-to-finish arrangements, the book provides a beautiful display of finished projects for readers to replicate and enjoy.
-Garden Design TAYLOR'S WEEKEND GARDENING GUIDES include : Safe & Easy Lawn Care Attracting Birds & Butterflies Organic Pest & Disease Control Window Boxes Easy , Practical Pruning Water Gardens The Winter Garden Backyard Building ...
If you want to grow your own cut flowers, there could be no better guide in the world. The book ties-in with an eight-part five-minute mini-series on Gardeners World in spring 2002.
A Cutting Garden for Florida: Grow Marvelous Flowers for Bouquets in Your Florida Home Landscape!
Perfect for everyone who loves flowers and wants to fill the house with color and scent.
From creating wedding bouquets to business arrangements and topiaries, this guide offers easy-to-follow instructions as well as a fully illustrated directory of all plants mentioned.