Ways To Overcome Fears: The Powerful Book On Personality And Purpose: How To Remove Fear From Mind And Heart

Ways To Overcome Fears: The Powerful Book On Personality And Purpose: How To Remove Fear From Mind And Heart
Blair McDaneld


You know what it's like to be afraid of something, whether it be thunderstorms, a trip to the dentist, a stranger at your door, or losing someone dear to you. Fear is a normal reaction that our bodies be careful of. Anxiety is a type of fear, dealing more with worry and the future than fearing something present. If you want to overcome your fears and experience true liberty, then this book is for you. This book tells the compelling story of two college students - Agna and Ela who sought a remedy for their undesirable feeling of loneliness. The ladies would find out that there are unforeseen hurdles on the way to their destination. Their frustrating and undesirable experiences led them to discoveries that made an immense impact on their personalities, behaviors, and mental health. You'll get lost, but don't stay lost! This small yet powerful book engages the power of metaphors to explain the pragmatic steps in reaching any goal, in a way that both young and old can easily understand. It shares principles that when applied can empower anybody to achieve their dreams, overcome their fears and experience true liberty!