I Can't Sleep

I Can't Sleep
Independently Published
Devon Attaei


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION "I Can't Sleep" is Attaei's debut collection of poetry written during a period of time where she experienced late night thoughts that grew too loud for her to ignore. This book was created to share the importance in listening to yourself. It was made to share a story that seemed all too familiar, that being self-discovery isn't always found along a narrow path. There are many different elements and obstacles that stand between a person and finding peace within themselves. That's the main message portrayed in this collection - the journey in taking those first steps forward and the inevitable few steps taken back along the way. REVIEWS "I Can't Sleep is a book in which a variety of different people from all walks of life can find themselves lost in. The poetry is thought-provoking, relatable, and well written. Even within those more specific, unique writings, Devon has a way of making the reader feel as though they have been in that moment and felt those exact same feelings." "I loved this book I could not put it down. Sends you back to the nights you could not sleep and the haunting memories you can not erase. A book that everyone can relate to in some form or other. A must read." ABOUT THE AUTHOR Devon Attaei is a poet and novelist from Ontario, Canada. Earlier in the year, she teamed up with author, Max Wells to co-write and illustrate, "Temporary Forever" - a collection of poems giving closure to moments left open-ended. In 2018, Attaei graduated from Sheridan College with a journalism diploma and a passion for creative writing, but no real plans to publish her work. That was until she started spilling late-night thoughts into a notepad that became too loud to ignore, resulting in her first poetry novel, "I Can't Sleep". After publishing her first novel, Attaei knew that she wanted to take on novel writing as a career. Within the same year she published her debut romance novel, "On to the Next One" and a second poetry novel called, "Fresh Air & Lilac Perfume". Attaei is currently working on her fourth poetry collection, "It Felt Like Love" and her second romance novel, "Half of My Heart"; both of which are set to release in early 2022. To keep up with her latest work, you can visit attaeipoetry.com or @attaeipoetry on all social media platforms.