In a small act of love and consideration, for all the forces that help us in this earthly journey, the water of life is a symbol that heals, enlightens, liberates, and blesses all those who take it. The water of life is a celestial technique of blessing, where the practitioner will move the angelic forces to bring healing and enlightenment to every creature, setting in motion a revolutionary process that will bring light, love, kindness, and mercy to every spirit and person who has been blessed with this ambrosia. By energizing a simple glass with water, and calling upon the celestial forces, a revolutionary process will be set in motion on this earth, where no human being has ever practiced in the manner that you will learn in this book, that will assist and bless any and all entities or people that you wish. You will also be taught, consecrations and blessings of candle, incense, and heavenly oil, which will enrich your contacts with any desired entities. Humanity has always treated spiritual forces as means to gain certain desires, in rare cases, you find people who have a link of love for those who help them in this journey, the water of life is manifested on this earth, here and now, as a beneficial and necessary manifestation, to cease with all the pains, torments and sorrows of those who are not remembered as they properly deserve. In this way, manifesting and bringing: Healing. Love. Mercy. Goodness. Light. Enlightenment. To anyone who has been graced with these techniques, empowering and bringing healing to all desired entities, such as Angels, demons, daemons, guides, mentors, gods and goddesses, the possibilities are endless. "A simple and grand gesture, will light up all the darkness".